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1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Today we begin a short series of three devotionals answering the question, “Why should I stand firm in the gospel?” from 1 Corinthians 15-16.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

One of my favourite things about teaching high school scripture was also one of the most difficult: the questions! Christianity is a faith that makes some pretty big claims, and whenever we’d discuss the resurrection, I was in the firing line for sure. You may have experienced this yourself. People say things like: 

“I can only really believe in things that I’ve seen” 
And –  
“Where’s the evidence?” 

Paul was writing to a similarly sceptical audience. The Corinthians believed in an afterlife, but they couldn’t get their heads around the idea that Christians might have a bodily resurrection. Some of the Corinthians had started to say that there was no such thing as the resurrection of the dead! 

It’s such a crazy claim that you can’t really blame them for questioning it. But Paul isn’t so forgiving. In verses 1-2 he begins his defence of the resurrection by saying that really, he’s surprised a defence is needed at all! The Corinthians had already received this true news, they’d taken their stand on it, they were being saved by it. We get the vibe that having to remind an established church that Jesus’ resurrection is true is like having to explain to an advanced maths class that 2+2=4! 

Have a look for yourself at verses 3-4. What do they teach you about the basic content of the gospel? Is anything repeated?

We can see, then, that the resurrection is essential gospel teaching – it’s not something that Paul has made up. And how could it be? Look at the long list of people in verses 4-8 who saw Jesus after he was raised from the dead. By listing witnesses, Paul grounds Christianity firmly in this resurrection event that he claims can be verified. At this point, Paul’s evidence for the resurrection is not just biblical, but historical.  

In Acts 26 Paul also defends the resurrection before King Agrippa, who was perhaps as friendly towards Christianity as those kids in my high-school scripture classes. King Agrippa hears the claims that Paul makes about his ministry and says he must be insane. But Paul counters in verse 26: “the King is familiar with these things… I am convinced that none of it has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.”  

  Nothing about the resurrection of Jesus was low-key. It was public and political, and it was dangerous to preach, as we continually read in the New Testament. And yet, Paul and the apostles never backed down. They stood firm and proclaimed the death and resurrection of Jesus whatever the cost, reasoning with the crowds from the Scriptures and from the fact of the event itself. The Holy Spirit worked powerfully in them as they spoke, so that neither kings nor ordinary citizens, neither religious leaders nor philosophers, were able to effectively quash the claim that Jesus rose from the dead. It’s easy for us, separated from Jesus’ resurrection by years, kilometres and cultural differences, to miss this. But let’s remember that what we read in the pages of Scripture was an actual, public reality. Jesus’ resurrection isn’t just an idea, it was historical fact. 

My scripture students always demand evidence for the resurrection, but by the time we’ve finished working through 1 Corinthians 15, I return the favour and challenge them: what evidence is there that it isn’t true?  

  I’m still waiting!


  • Are you convinced of the truth of the resurrection? Why or why not? 

  • How can this passage, and the apostles’ example of never backing down as they reasoned from Scripture and the event itself, encourage you to  stand firm, and speak about the resurrection with boldness?


Heavenly Father, thank You that You have made Yourself known in the Scriptures. Thank You that You have been working in history to reconcile believers to yourself through Jesus. Please help me to stand firm on the truth of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and to speak about it boldly with others. Amen.

Want more?

Check out this great article by Chris on What evidence is there that Jesus really did rise from the dead?"

Chris’ Book Recommendations

Know Why You Believe” by Paul E. Little, “The Reason for God” by Tim Keller, “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis, and “Raised Forever” by Rory Shiner.

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