There is Hope

Discovering the Joy of a Clear Conscience, Christopher Ash, Part 3

During lent my family uses diminishing lights each week alongside guided readings to reflect on the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. The diminishing light is mirrored in the changing light of the season. Moving into Autumn the light shifts, darkness begins to creep in, the light is no longer harsh and strong, but takes on a softness from the sun sitting lower in the sky. As the season progresses, we reflect on the darkness of sin and on God’s continual mercy to his people; and then finally, on Good Friday, we snuff out the final candle and are plunged into darkness. In some ways as we enter the mid-point of Ash’s book I feel as if we have been plunged into darkness. We are forced to reflect upon our guilty consciences that convict us of our sin. And confronted by that we are forced to consider the effects of this on our consciences.

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