Reading Luke in December

Next month, EQUIP book club is going to be reading through Luke together. Because it's a book of the Bible, it will work a bit differently from the other books we've been reading together. We want to encourage you to read along with us in the lead up to Christmas. There is a one page list of the daily readings that you can download, print out, put in your Bible for the month of December, and use as a guide. Rachael Connor, our contributor for the month has written this post explaining how it will work:

Next month we’ll be reading the Gospel of Luke together. It is my hope that these posts and the ensuing discussion will encourage us to be reflective readers of God’s word to us through Luke and spur us on towards prayerful application of that word.

I have divided the book into four sections, one for each week of the month. At the beginning of each week there will be a post describing the ‘big picture’ of what happens in the section for that week and pointing you towards the major themes that run through it. I hope this will give you a framework for reading passages in their wider context and that this will help you as you work at understanding and applying God’s word.

There will be recommended readings for each day that will ensure that the book is completed in the month and provide a focus for our discussion. However, feel free to read at your own pace and join the discussion as you are able.

There will be a second post towards the end of each week in which I will share something more personal and reflective.

All this won’t work without your contribution. Please share what you are learning and how you have been challenged to change. Ask questions about what you have read; perhaps there’s something you don’t understand, something confusing, or perhaps you’d like some background information.

So let’s together encourage one another to treasure and ponder these words in our hearts.

Let’s read, think, pray and chat, and know the certainty of what we have been taught.

Meet Rachael Connor


Pilgrim's Progress: the River of Death